Throughout their clinics, RoMed rely on JVC diagnostic monitors.
RoMed Clinics, provider of 4 hospitals and a Medical Services Center with 8 locations in Upper Bavaria, digitalized radiology in 2003 and then obtained a range of diagnostic monitors from JVC, at that time still TOTOKU. Four years ago we changed over to i2 generation monitors, which are now used in radiology, the central casualty department, medical services centers, accident surgery and orthopedics. "All radiological recordings made in our centers are examined on JVC monitors," says Stephan Hitzelberger, Network and Systems Administrator in the IT department. And this isn't the end of RoMed Clinics' use of JVC equipment, as Hitzelberger explains: "Digital diagnostics is on the increase and so the demand from doctors is rising. We are gradually equipping more and more workplaces with suitable monitors."
RoMed runs clinics at Bad Aibling, Prien by Lake Chiemsee, Rosenheim and Wasserburg am Inn. Every year they treat over 50,000 inpatient and about 90,000 outpatient patients. With in total 1050 beds, RoMed provides professional medical services that are convenient and secure for the district's inhabitants. As the central x-ray department, the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology supplies all the other medical departments of RoMed Clinics. "At each facility we have a CT and a Bucky workstation, in Rosenheim they have an MRT, two spiral CTs, a magnetic resonance scanner and three more Bucky workstations," explains senior consultant Dr. Gunnar Tepe. He works with 18 colleagues to treat about 56,000 patients per year and examines about 115,000 x-rays.
Consistently high image quality is crucial for reliable and safe diagnostics. It is reflected in consistent brightness and grey tones. JVC monitors provide that. Used continuously, there have been no faults or irregularities with daily constancy tests. "We radiologists are very satisfied with the monitors because they enable good diagnostics," says senior consultant Dr. Stefan Müller. The administrator Hitzelberger is also full of praise for the monitors: "As the IT department, we look after the monitors, and quality and servicing are vital- JVC monitors have both." The long-term partner Rein Medical is responsible for servicing and has been a subsidiary of JVC since the takeover in March 2018." "If a fault occurs, a worker is with you immediately to fix it."
There are now nearly 40 JVC monitors in use in RoMed clinics, in radiology CCL650i2 and CCL258i2. "Both in conventional radiography and in cross-sectional diagnostics from MRT and CT, both have a very good image quality," summarizes Dr. Müller. Four CCL550i2 monitors are making mammography imaging much more comfortable. "A central bar used to divide the images, but now we can take the images in color and examine them on a large monitor," says the senior consultant.
Color now plays an increasingly important role in x-ray diagnostics. "Two years ago we got new computer tomographs, but their evaluation software couldn't be used with black and white monitors. Working with post-processing software for CT and MRT is much more pleasant with color monitors, which make some functions useable for the first time," says Dr. Müller. "From the first day you could sense colleagues' delight with the new monitors."
One of the workstations located at Roemed Hospitals
The delight of users' is generally due to the good image quality. It is ensured in RoMed clinics by QA Medivisor. When a new monitor is installed, the IT department runs the acceptance test with the software and documents the values in the software. They are then used as reference values for further constancy tests. A window pops up in the software for the daily visual inspection and guides the radiologist through the process step by step.
"We are currently testing the new PM Medivisor Agent software, which should offer us considerable savings with acceptance and constancy tests because it combines calibration and quality assurance in one solution," says Hitzelberger. Norm DIN 6868-157 has given new momentum to the topic. In the future, PM Medivisor Agent will use the monitor's integrated sensors for constancy tests, so that external measuring devices will no longer be required for it. That will save a considerable amount of time.
Future technology today. From December all 6 operating theatres at RoMed's Rosenheim clinic will be equipped with large-format all-in-one OPERION 346 solutions from Rein Medical. Using the integrated computer, with PACS all the data and images desired, including those during the intervention, can be loaded and viewed on the 46 inch monitor.
"We were impressed by the modularity and concept of the monitors," says Stephan Hitzelberger, describing the decisive criteria. The whole solution, including the keyboard is hygienically designed and easy to disinfect. Another benefit: If there is a fault, each component can be replaced separately. "And last but not least, Rein Medical's reputation for good service was a reason to choose the new OP solution," says Hitzelberger.